I understand and agree that my site number is subject to change prior to arrival unless a site lock fee was paid at the time of booking to guarantee a specific site in my requested site category.

I agree, and shall cause my children, invitees, and guests, to abide by the Campground Rules and Regulations, including those rules and policies published at www.ohoopeerivercampground.com, posted on the premises or otherwise communicated in any manner by Ohoopee River Campground. 

I further understand and agree that Ohoopee River Campground does not give credit or refunds due to the discomfort of nature. Ohoopee River Campground’s refund policy varies, depending on the timing of the cancellation notice in advance of the reservation date and the type of site or rental reserved as stated in the Campground Cancellation Policy published at www.ohoopeerivercampground.com.  

We do not accept checks as payment under normal circumstances.  If a check is approved for payment and the check is returned, a return check fee of $40.00 will be assessed and the reservation may be forfeited.  Refunds for reservations made with a check payment will be refunded in cash but may be delayed up to 14 days to allow time for the check to clear the account.

As a participant in a recreation activity, I am responsible for acting within the limits of my ability and heeding all warnings regarding participation in the activity. I will maintain control of myself and any equipment while participating in the activity and will refrain from acting in any manner that may cause or contribute to injury to myself or to others.

I HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Ohoopee River Campground, LLC, d/b/a Ohoopee River Campground, its owners and agents (collectively, Ohoopee River Campground Management),, from any and all liability to me, my children, my invitees/guests, personal representatives, and heirs for any loss or damage on account of injury to person (including death) or loss or damage to property relating to, or arising out of, use and occupancy of the Ohoopee River Campground property, facilities, playground, golf carts, kayaks, canoes, amenities, and sandbar/river (collectively, the Premises) and any dangers and hazards associated with acts of nature such as changing weather conditions; high winds; thunder and lightning; temperature fluctuations; falling trees; tree limbs, ice; or encounters with wildlife.

I HEREBY AGREE TO INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS Ohoopee River Campground Management, and each of them, from any loss, liability, damage or cost (including attorney fees) they may incur due to injury (including death), damage or loss of property relating to use of the Premises by me, my children, and/or my invitees/guests or due to any incidents that may occur during my stay. I understand that, although Ohoopee River Campground Management makes every reasonable effort to provide a secure environment, the security of my person, my belongings, and all persons registered in my party is my sole responsibility.

As a courtesy, our employees, if so requested, may assist with directing you to your designated campsite. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the site will accommodate your specific trailer/RV and that you will not hit any branches, bollards, trees, etc. when positioning your RV on the campsite. You agree to indemnify and hold Ohoopee River Campground LLC, d/b/a Ohoopee River Campground, its owners and agents (collectively, Ohoopee River Campground Management) harmless from any loss, liability, damage or cost (including attorney’s fees) that may result from an employee assisting or directing you onto a campsite. Furthermore, you release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Ohoopee River Campground Management for any and all liability, loss, or property damage relating to an employee assisting/directing you to your site.

I understand that I am and remain personally liable to pay the total amount of my reservation prior to my scheduled check-in date, or at such earlier date communicated to me.  If I fail to pay the total due, I agree that Ohoopee River Campground LLC may charge any remaining balance (in additional to any damage charges or other amounts owed under these Terms and Conditions) to any credit or debit card on file with my reservation. Any amounts due after 30 days will be subject to the maximum late charge permitted under state law.

The Premises are privately owned and Ohoopee River Campground and its agents reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason except for those prohibited by law. Ohoopee River Campground Management reserves the right to require any person or party it deems necessary, to leave the campground based on violations of Campground Rules & Regulations or behavior management deems inappropriate or disturbing to others. Harassment or mistreatment of our staff or other guests will not be tolerated under any circumstances. I have read this notice and agree to it as well as all Ohoopee River Campground Rules and Regulations. In addition, I understand that I am responsible for the actions of all persons registered in my party, including any children, and any guests that visit during my stay. On behalf of each person in my party, I grant Ohoopee River Campground and its affiliated entities and promotional partners the right to include any photographic, video and other visual portrayals of each person in my party in any medium and for any purpose.

Long-term guests of the campground are expected to maintain a clean and orderly site, ensuring that their camper is in good repair and regularly cleaned. The campground can revoke access at any time if it deems the site or camper appearance in unacceptable. The placement of household items outside is prohibited unless it has been approved by management. Outdoor storage should be kept to a minimum and stored neatly in totes of the same color – preferably black.  Dogs may not be tethered to tie-out lines without supervision. Fence enclosures for animals are not permitted, and animals are prohibited from roaming around the campground. Failure to abide by these rules, as well as any other regulations communicated orally or in writing, may result in immediate expulsion from the property without notice or refund.

Additional Terms for Rental Cabins & RV Units

I understand and agree as follows:

  • At departure, the rental unit is to be left in a reasonably clean condition (broom swept), garbage is to be removed from the rental unit and placed in the trash trailer near the exit, all kitchens and kitchenettes are to be left clean, all dishes are to be washed and put away, and the microwave, fridge, stove and countertops are to be wiped clean; otherwise, Ohoopee River Campground Management may charge my credit card with a $125 cleaning fee.  I understand and agree that if I leave the rental unit in an unreasonably filthy condition, permit a pet to occupy a rental unit not designated as pet-friendly or smoke in a rental unit, Ohoopee River Campground Management may charge my credit card for the cost to professionally clean the rental unit ($250 minimum charge).

  • Any damages to the rental unit, whether caused by myself, my children, guests, or pets, will be disclosed to the registration office immediately or at checkout. Any damages occurring to the rental unit during my stay will be charged to my credit card after a thorough inspection has been made by Ohoopee River Campground Management. Damages for which I will be responsible include but are not limited to: lost key(s), broken/lost heating unit, broken items, discharged fire extinguishers (if not used for a fire), damaged/dented/bent appliances, furniture, cabinetry or dishes, writing on walls or bedding, and ripped or torn mattresses or covers.

Animal Waiver

I hereby agree to the following regulations and conditions relating to my dog while camping at Ohoopee River Campground LLC, d/b/a Ohoopee River Campground with my dog.

  • Excluded Areas. I agree to keep my dog out of all cabins and RV Rental units.  Dogs may also be excluded from the stage area during certain events or concerts.

  • Excluded Dogs. I agree that the Campground has the sole discretion to exclude dogs. The basis for exclusion may include but is not limited to the following: breed-specific exclusions; due to their young age are exempted from state or local law vaccination requirements; are sick; are in heat; are aggressive, vicious, dangerous or potentially dangerous; require muzzling; or are easily frightened or sensitive, resulting in disruptive behavior (such as fighting or biting) in response to a stimulus.

  • Supervision. I agree to keep my dog on a leash or in a carrier while in all public areas of the Campground. I further agree to have my dog with me or a designated individual at all times and understand that I may not leave the dog unattended at the campsite. I agree to prevent noise or any other disturbance by my dog, in the interest of other guests at the Campground.

  • Pet Waste: I agree that I will pick up all dog waste immediately whether it is in the campsite or in any other location within the campground property.  Failure to clean up dog waste can result in additional fees and/or expulsion from the park.

  • Vaccinations. I represent and warrant that my dog is up to date on all vaccinations (including rabies and distemper) and flea treatments.

  • Disturbances. I agree that, should my dog create any disturbances, which cause complaints to be made to the management by other guests or employees of the Campground, at the request of a Campground employee, I will immediately make arrangements to house my dog elsewhere outside the Campground. Additionally, I understand and agree that if I do not find alternative housing for my pet after being asked to do so, I will be asked to leave the Campground and will not be issued a refund.

  • Assumption of Risk and Release. I understand that my permission to have my dog at the Campground with me is a privilege and not a contractual right. Such permission is expressly conditional upon my adherence to the terms of these rules and other rules in effect at any given time. I understand that the Campground may revoke such permission at any time for any reason. Additionally, I hereby assume all responsibility of risks, injury, damage, other harm that may occur while my dog is at the Campground or caused by my dog. Further, I hereby knowingly and voluntarily expressly release and discharge the Campground, its owner, its agents, its parent companies, members, managers, directors, officers and employees (“Released Parties”) from any and all claims, damages, liabilities, injuries, demands, or causes of action, both present and future, whether known, unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, that me or my guests or invitees may have against any of the Released Parties arising out of or incident to my dog’s presence in the Campground, whether arising from any act or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, of me, my dog and/or any guest or invitee. I further agree to indemnify each of the Released Parties for any and all such claims, damages, liabilities, injuries, demands, or causes of action, including costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees arising as a result of or related to the presence of the dog at the Campground. This provision shall be enforceable to the fullest extent of the law.

  • Acknowledgment. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing Assumption of Risk & Release and fully understand its provisions and implications. My execution of this Release is entirely voluntary and intended to be binding on my heirs, executors, legal representatives and assigns.

I have read this Animal Waiver and understand it is my responsibility to abide by the Rules. I further understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my guests and invitees also comply with the Rules. Failure to adhere to the policies and rules set forth herein may result in my removal from the Campground without a refund.

In light of the global pandemic associated with COVID-19, everyone shares in the obligation to observe certain requirements and guidelines to help keep themselves and others safe within your shared community.  In particular, I represent that I have not tested positive for COVID-19 within the last two weeks and I have not been in direct personal contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last two weeks either.  If I do test positive for COVID-19 or come into contact with someone who has, or if my temperature exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit and I experience other COVID-19-related symptoms, I agree that I will not seek to enter the resort/community until I am no longer symptomatic for three straight days.  I agree to observe the safety requirements within the resort/community spaces including occupancy limitations, social distancing and sanitization requirements.